lunes, 16 de marzo de 2020

Grado Once


Nota: Realiza los siguientes talleres y envíalos todos juntos en un solo archivo, con nombre completo y grado al siguiente correo:

Planeación semana 9: 16 al 20 de Marzo

Actividad: (3 horas de clase)

Topic:Connectors: Because, So, But, And

1. Lee la siguiente información:


          Los conectores son palabras o grupos de palabras que sirven para unir ideas expresando claramente el modo en que se relacionan entre sí. Un buen uso de los conectores le da una mayor coherencia a nuestro discurso y lo hace más inteligible para el receptor.


In addition. “And” is used when the statements are similar.
He’s 10 and she’s 12.
My mom and dad are teachers.

Tim usually practices the piano and plays football at weekend.


“But” is used to connect two opposite ideas.
I love ice cream, but he loves apples.
It’s sunny and hot, but I like it.

She’s 40 years old, but she looks much younger than her real age.

Because is used to give reasons.
She doesn’t go to school because she’s sick.
Because it rains, I wear a raincoat.
Kate was happy because she won the competition.


So is used to link between cause/ reason and results
He’s hungry so he gets some food.
The weather isn’t very nice so we don’t go camping.
He lost the key so he couldn’t get into his room

2.  Escribe 5 frases con cada uno de los conectores  ( so, but, because,and) lee el punto anterior para recordar el uso de cada uno.

3. Observa los siguientes vídeos

4.  Resuelve las siguientes fichas, recuerda que estas se entregaron la semana pasada y están pegadas en el cuaderno. (Un solo documento)

5.  Completa las siguientes frases con: where, when, and so, who, that, and, but or because y traducelas al español.

1. I cannot come _______________ I don't have any time.

2. You can climb up the tree, _________________ you must be careful.
3. She came in _______________ sat down.
4. I laughed ___________________Tom had told me a joke.
5. He was not at home, _____________________we asked the neighbours when he would be back.
6. The police arrested the thief ___________________ had stolen the money.
7. I can't help you,___________________ you should ask Mary.
8. She went to bed early __________________she was tired.
9. She got a bad mark at her last test ______________________she promised to learn a lot for the next one.
10. She always greets friendly _____________________I meet her.
11. I found out ___________________they are living.
12. He wore the trousers ____________________we had bought last Friday.

Planeación semana 10 :  23 al 27 de Marzo

Actividad: (3 horas de clase)

1.  Lee la siguiente información:

Conectores de adición en inglés

  • Secondlyobviamente se usa después de first (segundo) > First, you did a good job. Secondly, you delivered in time.
  • Then / Next: después, luego, siguiente > I went to the bar, then I met him. Next thing I remember, we were drunk.
  • Also / too: también. Also se usa al principio de la frase, después del sujeto. Mientras que too se usa al final de la frase > You should wear a scarf too.
  • As well as: además de > She brought me a cake as well as a present.
  • Moreover / furthermore: además, es más > Moreover, Grace broke a glass too!
  • In fact / as a matter of fact: de hecho > You misunderstood, as a matter of fact.
  • Actually: de verdad, en realidad > After all these texts, I can’t wait to actually meet John.
  • Anyway: en cualquier caso, de todas formas > I didn’t mean to be harsh with Kevin anyway.
  • Besides: además > The movie was bad. Besides, I don’t like that director.
  • By the way: a propósito, por cierto > By the way, I saw your mother at the grocery store yesterday.
  • In the same way: de la misma manera > The braidsmaids were dressed in the same way.
  • In other words: en otras palabras, dicho de otro modo > I’m very busy these days; in other words, I can’t help you anymore.
  • That is to say: o sea, es decir > That dress is very particular. That is to say, I won’t never wear it.
  • In addition: además > Paul brought some ice cream in addition.
  • Such as: como, por ejemplo > I like flowers, such as roses and sunflowers.
  • Like: como, por ejemplo > The bar has a lot of sandwiches, like with egg salad, tuna, ham and cheese.
  • Above all: sobretodo > I want the party to be fun above all.
  • Or rather: o, o mejor > You should listen to them more, or rather you should actually do what they say.

Conectores de contraste u oposición

Para expresar una idea contraria a lo que hemos dicho, utilizamos los conectores de oposición.

  • However: de la manera que, como > I hear you. However, I disagree.
  • While: mientras > While this works for me, I can see why it’s not good for you.
  • Instead of: en lugar de > Fred should be studying more, instead of hanging out so often.
  • Nevertheless / nonetheless: sin embargo, aún así > I don’t agree with you completely, nevertheless I’ll help you.
  • If not: si no > If it’s a sunny day tomorrow we can go to the sea. If not, let’s make a nice dinner at home.
  • Whereas: mientras que > My father likes to sky whereas my mother is a good swimmer.
  • Unlike: a diferencia de > Unlike my brother, I like vegetables.
  • Contrary to: contrariamente a > Contrary to the weather forecast, it was a beautiful day today.
  • In comparison (to): en comparación, comparado con > Greg’s a genius; my grades are bad in comparison.
  • In spite of: a pesar de, pese a > In spite of your efforts to explain me, I didn’t understand, sorry.

2. Escribe un párrafo  sobre la importancia del cuidado del medio ambiente, utilizando los conectores y el vocabulario del punto anterior.  (Mínimo 8 renglones)

3 Diligencia el formato de autoevaluación que se encuentra en la página institucional.

Todo se envía al siguiente correo:, recuerda escribir en el asunto nombre completo y grado. Recuerda que la autoevaluación se encuentra en la página del colegio y esta para todas las asignaturas.

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